
Showing posts from April, 2018

Study11B..Friends of Jesus are chosen by Him to bear fruit that remains as they depend upon Him through prayer (John 15:16).

@Livingwater Study11B..Friend John 15:1-15 John 15:16: “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.” We stopped at point 1 in the last we are today,by His grace 2 . The PRIVILEGE of this Friendship There are many privileges in a true friendship, but there is one very special privilege indicated here in verse 15, and it can be summed up in two words –- intimate fellowship . You see, the servant is not taken into his master’’s confidence; he does not know all his personal interests and plans; but with a friend it is so different. To be a friend of Jesus means to be taken into his confidence, and it therefore means to share in his trials and joys. It is a great privilege for a servant to be in the kitchen of the royal palace, but it is a far greater privilege to have an audience with the king. Notice that Abraham is...

Study 11 A..In the Old Dispensation the Law said, ““Do this, and live””; but under Grace the Lord says to us, ““Live, and do””. We are not saved by doing, but having been saved by the Lord He says to us

@Livingwater Study11A...FRIEND CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: John 15: 1-15 INTRODUCTION One of the greatest gifts that God has given to us is the gift of friendship. How great it is to have a true friend. As Christians we rejoice in the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Saviour, is our Friend. He is the best Friend of all (Proverbs 18:24); and He is our Friend because He is first of all our Saviour. In the light of John 15:14-15, are we His friends? Undoubtedly He is a true Friend to us, but are we true friends to Him? (see James 4:4). We should be perfectly clear that in these verses in John 15 our Lord is speaking to saved men and women. In the Old Dispensation the Law said, ““Do this, and live””; but under Grace the Lord says to us, ““Live, and do””. We are not saved by doing, but having been saved by the Lord He says to us –- John 15:14. In other words, to be a true friend of His carries the responsibility of full obedience to Him. 1 . The N...

Study10B...Your own testimony is the best witness you can share. It is not just teaching Bible truths. It is "being" a product of those truths. In other words, don't just say it -- be and do it.

@Livingwater Study10B...still on witness Act1:1-11 You are a witness. When a person has experienced the forgiveness of his sins, he is then able to witness or give testimony to the salvation that is mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 , but it puts you in the same place as those who were witnesses in the early church. They said, "For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard" ( Acts 4:20 ). You are able to witness about Jesus, for you have met Him personally. The last study stopped in point 2...We'll start from point 3.. 3 . THE PLACE GOD INDICATES Where are God’’s witnesses to go? We have already noticed that He wants them everywhere, but in Acts 1:8 a very definite geographical setting is indicated – – “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”” –- compare Matthew 28:19. This means that some witnesses must leave their homes and go to other places, other lands, in order that they may obey the Lord’’s commission. Notice t...

Study 10A..Who does the Lord choose to be His witnesses? It is most encouraging to notice that He does not choose angels or supermen, but ordinary men and women –-

@Livingwater Study 10A..WITNESS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: Acts 1: 1-11 One of the great and deeply significant names given to Christians is the name ‘’witness’’. The word appears many times in the Bible, particularly in the Book of Acts. In Isaiah 43:10-12 the Lord twice says of His people, ““You are my witnesses””, and just before His ascension the Lord Jesus said –- Acts 1:8. We shall confine our study to this verse and it will help us to understand something of the privileges and responsibilities of witnessing. There are five lines of truth:- 1 . THE PEOPLE GOD CHOOSES Who does the Lord choose to be His witnesses? It is most encouraging to notice that He does not choose angels or supermen, but ordinary men and women –- ““You……you……you…”…” (Acts 1:8). In the first instance He chose Peter, James and John, and other ordinary men and women from the rank and file of life. How often we come face to face with the principle made clear in 1 Corinthians 1:26-29! God does...

Study 10B...Although God gives us “all things richly to enjoy,” nothing is ours. Nothing really belongs to us. God owns everything; we’re responsible for how we treat it and what we do with it. While we complain about our rights here on earth, the Bible constantly asks, What about your responsibilities? Owners have rights; stewards have responsibilities.

@Livingwater Study10B..Stewardship... Scripture Portion: 1 Peter 4: 1-11 Therefore, stewardship expresses our obedience regarding the administration of everything God has placed under our control, which is all encompassing. Stewardship is the commitment of one’s self and possessions to God’s service, recognizing that we do not have the right of control over our property or ourselves. Echoing Deuteronomy 8:17 , we might say: “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But Deuteronomy 8:18 counsels us to think otherwise: Remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth. Notice the following scriptures which refer to this matter of stewardship:- (1) Every Christian is a steward. Look up these references and compare them –- Luke 19:13; 1 Corinthians 12:7 and 11; Ephesians 4:7; 1 Peter 4:10. If we are Christians then we are stewards and we are accountable to God. (2) We may be good stewards or bad stewards. Noti...

Study 10A.... A steward is a servant but in the word ‘’steward’’ there is the added idea of responsibility. God has entrusted certain things to us and we are responsible to Him to use them properly...

@Livingwater Study 10A STEWARDS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: 1 Peter 4: 1-11 God calls us His servants, but He also calls us His stewards. There must therefore be a distinction between a servant and a steward. A servant is one who serves (Romans 1:9), or a worker (Matthew 9:37). A steward is a servant but in the word ‘’steward’’ there is the added idea of responsibility. God has entrusted certain things to us and we are responsible to Him to use them properly. Eliezer was the steward of Abraham’’s household (Genesis 15:2, KJV); Abraham had placed all his household affairs in Eliezer’’s hands, and Eliezer was accountable to his master, Abraham. Compare also Genesis 43:19. Look up and read also Luke 19:12-13. These ten servants were stewards and their job was to administer and dispense their master’’s goods and to ‘’trade’’ the money he had given to them. This raises the question: What has God entrusted to us that we are to administer and dispense, and for which He will ...

Study 9B..When you’re hiring someone to make important repairs or improvements to your house or car, you want someone who’s spent hours learning and perfecting their craft, and is respected in their field. You wouldn’t take on someone with no experience...A servant prepares.

@Livingwater Study9B...Peculiarities of a Faithful servant Act20:17-38 Jesus completed the work of salvation for us on the cross, brings us into it, gives us the Holy Spirit as our counselor, and sets us about his business. He has finished the work of our salvation, but he still calls us to work for his kingdom. Therefore, with gratitude and love, we train to be the most effective servants possible. Let's continue on our points....we stopped after point 3 in the last study 4 . The fourth mark is A STEADFAST SPIRIT In verse 19 Paul tells us he was ““severely tested by the plots of the Jews””. Did you ever know a servant of the Lord who was not tested, and when reading your New Testament been impressed with the great testings that Paul experienced? We have a powerful Enemy whose whole aim is to get us down, and if we are honest, we admit that one of our chief handicaps is ourselves; so as servants of the Lord we need grit as well as grace! See what Proverbs 24:10 says, and ...

Study 9A...God has not only made us members of His family, calling us His children (Romans 8:16), but He has called us into His service and He delights to call us His servants (Philippians 1:1).How faithful are you?

@Livingwater Study 9A SERVANT CALLED BY A NEW NAME. Happy Sunday! Ruminate on this as you go to church. Scripture Portion: Acts 20: 17-38 In this passage of Scripture, which contains the record of Paul’’s charge to the Ephesian elders, we have the portrait of a true servant of the Lord. God has not only made us members of His family, calling us His children (Romans 8:16), but He has called us into His service and He delights to call us His servants (Philippians 1:1). In Acts 20:19 Paul says, ““I served the Lord””, and this gives us the key to our present study. What are the characteristics of a true servant? 1 . The first mark is A SURRENDERED WILL The word ‘’served’’ in verse 19 contains the whole idea of being a slave, or as Paul says in Ephesians 3:1: “…“…the prisoner of Christ Jesus””. If a man is a prisoner of Christ it means that he has laid down his own will, and now the supreme thing in his life is to do the will of the Lord Jesus and to please Him. Is that true of ...

Study8B...It is possible to be a worker in the church,fellowship coordinator,or whichever post you're holding or may be your own is ordinary member of a church and not being a Jewel.....Hebrew 12:14....Matthew 7:21

@Livingwater Study8B... CHARATERISTICS AND THE ATTITUDE OF THE JEWEL Malachi3:7-18 WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LORD’’ S JEWELS ? Verse 16 gives us the answer: ““Then……” ” When? When the majority of God’’s covenant people were out of touch with Him and were sinning against Him, there were some who did three things, and these tell us the marks or characteristics of those who are the Lord’’s jewels: (1) They feared the Lord. This was not a slavish fear but the reverential fear of a child for its parent. It is the fear of holy worshippers. Instead of acting as those did who are mentioned in Malachi 3:13-15, these who are called ‘’jewels’’ feared the Lord. Do we fear Him? Look up Psalm 34:9-11. (2) They talked with each other (verse 16). Their lips were full of praise to God and of testimony before others (Psalm 66:16). Is that the testimony of your heart and soul? If you are His jewel it should be. (3) They honoured His Name (verse 16). Their meditation was centred on th...

Study8A...At the time of Malachi’’s prophecy there were only a few, a small remnant, who were God’’s jewels. The majority were just like common stones. Are you part of the “remnant”?

@Livingwater Study 5A JEWELS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: Malachi 3: 7-18 (KJV) In Revelation 21:19-22 the Lord tells us that the heavenly city is ablaze with jewels; and in Malachi 3:17 (KJV) the Lord speaks of His people as His jewels. Are you one of the Lord’’s jewels? The dictionary defines a jewel as – – “a precious stone, or anything or anyone highly valued.”” This leads to our first point:- 1 . The Lord has a company of people He calls His Jewels because they are very precious to Him. Malachi 3:17 (NIV) translates ‘’jewels’’ as ““treasured possession””; so the Lord has a people who are a treasured possession to Him. Who are these highly valued ones? Every Christian, everyone who is born again, is a treasured one, so what amazing grace that the Lord should make us His jewels and should tell us we are very precious to Him! Why are we so precious? (1) Like jewels, we are God’’s creation. No man can make a jewel; no chemist has ever been able to make a diamond,...

Study7B..Every Christians is a disciple in the church,but if you want to know their true picture go to their solvent( environment peculiar to them,where they can really express themselves without the fear of their pastor, coordinator, member or their mentor...).

@Livingwater Study7B...Conditions of Discipleship Luke14:26-35 Look at this case study,Discipleship is like a different solid chemical  with different solvent,a particular solid will never dissolve until they get to their own solvent.. Some people will never free to express themselves untill they get to that environment peculiar to them... Every Christians is a disciple in the church,but if you want to know their true picture go to their solvent( environment peculiar to them,where they can really express themselves without the fear of their pastor, coordinator, member or their mentor...).some people solvent is their Home,working place,classroom,among Friends ,Hostel and others... Below are the remaining conditions of discipleship, may you be bless as you go through them.....  The third condition of discipleship is GIVING UP EVERYTHING Luke 14:33 reads: ““Any of you who does not give up everything……cannot……” ” To be His disciple must I forsake all that I have? Yes...

Study 7A...Every Christian is a disciple, and yet it is possible to be a Christian, to be saved and to know that your sins are forgiven, and yet not to tread the path of discipleship –-

@Livingwater Study 7A DISCIPLES CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: Luke 14: 26-35 Many times in the New Testament believers are called ‘‘disciples’’ –- a disciple being one who learns of Christ, who follows Him and obeys Him. Broadly speaking, of course, every Christian is a disciple, and yet it is possible to be a Christian, to be saved and to know that your sins are forgiven, and yet not to tread the path of discipleship –- because to be a disciple means to be a disciplined Christian. Discipleship is a costly business. So with this thought in mind we begin by asking the question which was asked of Peter so long ago, when he was out of touch with his Lord and Master: “”You are not one of his disciples, are you?”” (John 18:17). The Man referred to is the Lord Jesus; the questioner was a young girl who was at the outer door of the High Priest’’s house. The question is pointed, personal, challenging, disturbing and decisive. What is your answer to it? Perhaps it will be eas...

Study 6B...Heaven at last will make the Angels and the saints know you're His,not your ministry or your title

@Livingwater STUDY6B..SONSHIP.. OUR DESTINY AND DUTY 1JOHN 3:1-10  A)Our DESTINY is Fixed Verse 2 tells us something of what the future holds for the child of God:- (1) The Lord Jesus is coming again. John speaks of the time “”when he appears”” –- look up John 14:3; Titus 2:13 –- and note in the Bible all the signs of the times, the religious, the Jewish and the commercial signs, all point to the fact that the coming of the Lord must be very near indeed –- James 5:8! (2) We shall see Him as He is. What a wonderful thing it will be to see the Man Christ Jesus, the one who came and lived and died for us, who rose again and who is ascended now in the place of glory at God’’s right hand! He first came in weakness, but the second time He will come in power and great glory. ““Every eye will see him”” –- Revelation 1:7. (3) We shall be like Him. We read that in a moment “”we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye”” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52); and compare 1 T...

Study 6A..We can only become the children of God by the miracle of the New Birth, and the moment we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him as our personal Saviour we are born from above (John 3:7).

@Livingwater Study 6A SONS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: 1 John 3: 1-10 There is a company of people in heaven and on earth whom God calls His children – – “the sons of God”” –- and we shall confine this study to some of the things we read about these favoured people in 1 John 3:1-3. It is important to recognise that John’’s writings were particularly for the Family, whereas Peter, James and Jude wrote about the Kingdom, and Paul about the Church. In this study we have clear teaching for members of God’’s family, God’’s children. But are not all people the children of God? No, not in the sense that John points out. In a creative sense we are all the children of God, that is, we are His offspring (Acts 17:28-29); but in a spiritual and redemptive sense we only become the children of God when we have received the Lord Jesus Christ and are born into His family (John 1:11-13). Compare 1 John 3:1-2. When John wrote his letter he addressed a particular class of people, thos...

Study5B...All saved are sanctified, but not all sanctified are saved.check 1corinthians 7:14-15..

@Livingwater Study5B...who are saints? Ephesian 1:18. 2:22 Saints, in the New Testament, are never deceased individuals who have been canonized by the church and given sainthood. They are living individuals who have dedicated themselves to the worship and service of the one true God as revealed through his Son, Jesus Christ. Even the children of such parents are called "sanctified" ( 1 Cor 7:14-15 ). That is, they are considered undefiled by paganism if at least one of their parents is a Christian. All saved are sanctified, but not all sanctified are saved. Check 2 . THE SAINTS ARE GOD’’ S WORKMANSHIP (Ephesians 2 : 10 ) God is working in our lives, and four pictures are suggested from the Old Testament:- (1) A picture of the METAL WORKER (Exodus 39:3), where we read, ““They hammered out thin sheets of gold…”…” That is exactly what God is doing with us. He is taking our lives and making them into something useful and worthwhile. (2) A picture of the CORN GRINDER (...

Study 5A...when a sinner comes to Christ, abandons his old way of living, and trusts in the Lord Jesus alone for salvation, God makes him a saint.

@Livingwater Study5A SAINTS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: Ephesians 1: 18 – 2: 22 Over and over again God describes His people as ‘‘saints’’. Many of the New Testament letters are addressed ““To the saints…”…” (Romans 1:7; Ephesians 1:1; Philippians 1:1). The word ‘‘saint’’ simply means ‘’holy one’’, and it occurs over one hundred times in the Bible; for instance, 1 Samuel 2:9; Psalm 116:15; Romans 8:27; 1 Corinthians 6:2. But who are the ‘’saints’’? Every Christian is a saint. It’’s impossible to be a Christian and not be a saint. What is a Christian? –- he is someone into whose life the Lord Jesus Christ has entered (John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27; Revelation 3:20). In the same way a saint is someone into whose life Christ Himself has come to live. There is a great difference between God’’s way of making a saint and man’’s way. Man chooses someone who has lived a good life or performed good works, and years after death that one is can...

Study4B....Our hands signify our deeds, our feet represent our walk, and our ears signify obediently hearing and obeying our Lord. It is a double picture of a life thoroughly cleansed and consecrated to God.

@Livingwater Topics:Why a door? Exodus 21:1-6 The concept of bringing your servant to a door in order to carry out the whole operation is also quite interesting. The New Testament word for door appears 39 times, and is a fascinating study in itself. Yeshua says twice, “I am the door” in John 10: “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep”, and again, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture”. A door is a passageway; a portal. It presents an opportunity to move from one environment to another. Isn’t that exactly what all of this is about? As a metaphor, a door can used to signify opportunity, and “The door of the kingdom of heaven” is said to denote the conditions which must be complied with in order to be received into the kingdom of God. When we think of doorframes in the Bible, our mind is whisked back to the Exodus story itself – a pivotal moment in Israel’s history. The moment when the Israelites were li...

Study4.. Take the principal ideas to start with: Nails driven through flesh? Blood on doorframes? Permanent piercing, with holes and scars forever? Does it sound at all familiar?! If you are starting to see the parallels, good.

@Livingwater Study 4..why did the bond slave have their ear pierced? Exodus21:1-6 There was a song we used to sing about God piercing our ears as a mark of willingly becoming a bondslave, according to the process laid out in Deuteronomy 15. At the time, I was going through a protracted debate with my parents, who felt I was not old enough for pierced ears, so I really liked that song, and sang it defiantly. I did not understand it then, but that particular part of the Torah was not about jewellry. The meaning of this ear-piercing ritual that God outlines in the law is much more profound than I could possibly have imagined. The instructions for making a regular slave into a bondslave are laid out twice in the Torah: Exodus 21, and Deuteronomy 15. As a rabbi once pointed out to me, it is highly interesting that right after the Ten Commandments, when God launches into his law, this the very first thing he says: Exodus 21:1-6 “When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, a...

Study3....A Christian is one who is prepared to suffer for the sake of Christ, if necessary. This suffering, as we have seen, is described in detail by Peter.

@Livingwater Study3: Christian 1peter4:12-19 . First, "Christian" was not so much a name that they chose as a name that was applied to them (they "were called Christians"). This is consistent with our observation that it was a term placed upon them by hostile critics. Second, it was a term that was placed on "the disciples." This helps us to establish the meaning of the term: A Christian is a disciple, a follower of Christ, one who clings to the gospel . Furthermore, a Christian is one who is prepared to suffer for the sake of Christ, if necessary. This suffering, as we have seen, is described in detail by Peter. It entails a life patterned after the life and death of Jesus, a life of service to God and others. This is the Scriptural picture of what a Christian is... Let consider the two points 1 .A Christian is someone who WITNESSES FOR CHRIST (Acts 26 :28 ) Here Paul is making his defence before King Agrippa, and notice that he is also pleadin...

Study 2...The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was a literal, bodily resurrection. His body was hung upon the cross, and after He voluntarily ““gave up his spirit”

@Livingwater Study 2 THE TRIUMPH OF HIS RESURRECTION THE PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST Scripture Portion: 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 One of the most wonderful chapters in the Bible is 1 Corinthians chapter 15. It is the great Resurrection chapter, and in the opening Paul plainly declares the gospel –- look up verses 1-4. Here is the ‘‘good news’’! The Lord Jesus “”died for our sins……was buried, and……raised””. Deeply significant as was the Saviour’’s death, had He not risen from the tomb His death would have meant very little to us. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was unique. Others have died and God raised them to life again; but they have died again sooner or later –- look up 2 Kings 4:32-35; 2 Kings 13:21; Matthew 9:25; Luke 7:12-15; John 11:43-44 and Acts 9:36-41. Jesus died, but “he was raised on the third day…” in the power of an endless life –- look up 1 Corinthians 15:4 and Revelation 1:18. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was a literal, bodily resurrection. His body was ...