
Showing posts from May, 2018

Study 5B...It is only when our motive is that God should be glorified and His Name honoured and exalted that the fire of the Lord will fall.

@Livingwater Study5B..Fire on the Altar. 1king 18:17-40 We stopped at number one prerequisite of fire on the Altar,you can't afford to go on like this in this present world without His fire on your altar,so Arise...,here we are Study it diligently... God bless you 2 . IT WAS WHEN THE SACRIFICE WAS OFFERED Verse 33. The sacrifice was a bullock, which Elijah cut up and placed, piece by piece, on the altar. Compare Romans 12:1 and 6:13, and ask yourself: How many of the pieces of my life have I really offered to the Lord upon the altar, and how many of my members are yielded fully to Him ““as instruments of righteousness””? What about my hands, feet, eyes, ears, lips, my home, job, pleasures and friendships? Have I yielded all the ““pieces”” or “”members”” to Him? 3 . IT WAS WHEN THE WATER WAS POURED Verses 33-35. The pagan priests were notorious for their trickery in deceiving the people with false signs and lying wonders. Elijah was preparing to offset this, so after plac...

Study 5A...The very first thing Elijah did in preparation for the coming of the fire was to repair the altar of the Lord.

@Livingwater Happy new month! Study 5 THE CHALLENGE ON MOUNT CARMEL (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 18: 17-40) The Holy Spirit has certainly led the writer to give us a vivid and dramatic record of Elijah’’s great challenge on Mount Carmel. He is there in the presence of Ahab, the 450 prophets of Baal, 400 prophets of the groves and a company of people from all Israel. The question was: Is Baal the real God? or is Jehovah the true God, and is Elijah His servant? No one present that day was left in any doubt as to the answer to these questions when ““the fire of the Lord fell…”…” (verse 38). These biblical records are actual history, and in 1 Kings 18:17-40 we read of fact, not fiction. The whole story is intensely dramatic. What a great God we have! Perhaps the most important value of the incident, however, is that it is permanently challenging. The lessons of the incident abide. What are they? Let us answer this question by asking: What is the greatest need in the Church today? Is i...

Study4B...A POOR widow hugs her boy, her only child. She cannot believe her eyes. Just a short time earlier, she had cradled his lifeless body in her arms in a tender embrace.

@Livingwater Study4B...Faith in action 1King 17:17-24 The widow had provided for his prophet and had exercised faith. Apparently, God allowed the boy’s illness to take its course, knowing that a resurrection—the first one recorded in the Scriptures— would take place and would give hope to future generations. When Elijah entreated Him, Jehovah brought the child back to life. Just imagine the widow’s delight when Elijah said: “See, your son is alive”! The widow then told Elijah: “Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovah’s word in your mouth is truth.”— 1 Ki. 17:22-24 Let's see the operation of her faith and its fruit... 3 . THE OPERATION OF FAITH Whereas the woman’’s faith collapsed, Elijah’’s faith went into action! It began to work – – look up James 2:17-20. How did it work? How does faith operate in a time of crisis? It keeps calm when the blow falls. Look at Elijah: although he is deeply moved because of what has happened he is trusting God in spit...

Study 4A...Now that Elijah was safely installed in her home and God was daily providing for all their needs, it would have been easy for the widow of Zarephath to think that at last all her troubles were over. But were they? Read 1 Kings 17:16, and then compare verse 17. Notice that both these people,

@Livingwater Study 4A. RAISING THE WIDOW’S SON (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 17: 17-24) Now that Elijah was safely installed in her home and God was daily providing for all their needs, it would have been easy for the widow of Zarephath to think that at last all her troubles were over. But were they? Read 1 Kings 17:16, and then compare verse 17. Notice that both these people, Elijah and the widow, were believers; they were living by faith, faith in God, and faith is always tested . In other words, if we are believers we must expect to be tested –- look up Philippians 1:29 and Hebrews 12:6-11. Think how much testing the psalmist, the apostles, the early believers and the Puritans experienced, and how much testing God’’s people on every hand are experiencing today. This whole matter of faith’’s testing is brought before us in the story of the death of the widow’’s son and of Elijah’’s great prayer. This is the record of God’’s loving dealings with two of His people who lived at Zarep...

Study3B..Although the poor widow of Zarephath lived among idolaters, she exercised faith. Jehovah sent Elijah to her for the sake of both the woman and the prophet.consider her relative to you

@Livingwater Study3B...Faithful even among unfaithful. 1king17:8-16 Not all the inhabitants of Baal-worshipping Zarephath were completely corrupt. By sending Elijah to this widow, Jehovah showed that He takes note of well-intentioned individuals who are not yet serving Him. Indeed, “in every nation the man who fears [God] and does what is right is acceptable to him.”​— Acts 10:35 . Let's consider the remaining points... 2 . THE PROPHET’ ’ S UNDAUNTED FAITH Any man of smaller faith would have faltered and failed when the brook dried up, but not Elijah! His faith was evident in that: He had faith to take God at His word. Look at verses 8-10. Elijah lived on the word of the Lord, as we should –- Matthew 4:4, and compare 1 Kings 17:8, 14 and 16. When our actions are regulated by the Word of God and our lives are lived in the centre of His will, we have nothing whatsoever to fear. Elijah’’s faith was very strong, as was Abraham’’s –- look up Romans 4:17-21. He had faith to ma...

Study3A...Have you come to the end of your resources? Have your money, health, friends, patience, etc., all gone? Take comfort from this story and from Psalm 84:11-12.

@Livingwater Study 3A IN THE WIDOW’S HOUSE AT ZAREPHATH (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 17: 8-16) There are three matters that constantly exercise God’’s people. The first has to do with God’’s guidance. “”Does God guide?”” we ask. In these studies we see clearly that He does. Elijah was divinely led, a step at a time –- Psalm 37:23. The second matter has to do with God’’s discipline. Why do troubles and trials come to the Christian? Study Deuteronomy chapter 8, and Hebrews 12:3-11, and see also the answer to your questionings in the incident before us. The third matter has to do with God’’s provision –- look up Genesis 22:14: “”The Lord will provide””. Will He? Does He today? This study supplies the answer to that question. After Elijah had been at the brook Cherith for about a year it dried up. Did that mean God had failed? No, it meant God was about to lead him on. Where to? To Zarephath, where He had commanded a widow to sustain him. Read 1 Kings 17:8-16 several times, and notice...

Study2B...This text also teaches us what we cannot do! We cannot straighten what God has bent. When God puts a curve in our road, He is calling us to follow the curve.

@Livingwater Study2B...Elijah by the Brook 1King17:4-7 Brook experience is a must for every faithful Christian.... In verse 4 God promised to supply Elijah’s needs while by the brook. How gracious of the Lord! It is a wonderful truth to know He never sends us anywhere to do anything without His presence and provision. The promise of Scripture is always “my God shall supply all your need . . .” (Phil. 4:19 ). Below are remaining points... 2 . THE PROMISE THAT HE RECEIVED Verse 4. With God’’s command will come His promise –- always. The promise was certain – – it shall be”. It was sufficient –- God’’s supply always is. It was conditional. God says, ““If you will……, I will…”…”; or, ““I will……if you…”…” The important word in verse 4 is the word “”there””. “”Elijah, if you want the water and the food you must go there –- into the place of My choice.”” Are you “there”, in the place of God’’s will? for “there” is the place of God’’s provision. Compare Psalms 23:1; 34:10; Luke 22...

Study2A...Before Elijah could stand on Mount Carmel, he needed to sit by the brook. Before the more mature faith and ability to handle the Mount Carmels of life, there must be the maturing experiences of the Cherith brooks of life...

@Livingwater Study 2A HIDDEN BY THE BROOK CHERITH (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 17: 2-7; Psalm 34: 1-10) The announcement to Ahab that there would be no rain (1 Kings 17:1) was a terrible one for Elijah to have to make. Yet he had prayed that it might not rain (James 5:17). Some might ask: Was this not a cruel prayer? Did Elijah not realise the suffering and loss of life that would ensue? The answer is that Elijah was only praying for God to honour His own word –- look up Deuteronomy 11:16-17. More terrible than the judgment itself would be for God not to do what He had said. Thus Elijah, knowing God’’s mind, prayed for a fulfilling of His word, and spoke boldly to Ahab. The Lord then graciously sent him away to a quiet place to experience Psalm 91:1 to the full (and indeed, the whole psalm). This story of Elijah revolves around two God-given commands: “Go, HIDE thyself……”” (KJV) –- the private aspect of his life and service; the going “in” (John 10:9); the “prayer” ministry (A...

Study1B...He alternately demonstrates victory and defeat, followed by recovery. Elijah knew both the power of God and the depths of depression.

@Livingwater Study1B...Elijah,A man like us... (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 16: 28-34; 17:1; James 5: 17-18) Elijah’s ministry marked the beginning of the end of Baal worship in Israel. Elijah’s life was filled with turmoil. At times he was bold and decisive, and at other times fearful and tentative. He alternately demonstrates victory and defeat, followed by recovery. Elijah knew both the power of God and the depths of depression. Below are the remaining peculiarities of Elijah.... 3 . ELIJAH LIVED IN A DAY OF SPIRITUAL DECLENSION AND APOSTASY A succession of seven wicked kings had reigned over Israel: (1) Jeroboam (1 Kings 12:28-33); (2) Nadab (15:25-26); (3) Baasha (15:27-28); (4) Elah , a drunkard and a murderer (16:8-9); (5) Zimri, guilty of treason (16:20); (6) Omri (16:25-26); and (7) Ahab (16:28-33), with whom must be linked his notoriously wicked wife Jezebel. Worship of the true God had all but ceased; Baal-worship had become the national religion. Only 7000 Israeli...

Series17 Study1A...Elijah’s sudden appearance upon the page of scripture centres upon the tremendous announcement he made to Ahab –- read 1 Kings 17:1

@Livingwater Series 17 Happy Sunday! Ruminate on this as you prepare for service Study 1 ELIJAH, THE MAN AND HIS MINISTRY (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 16: 28-34; 17:1; James 5: 17-18) Elijah was a mighty man of God –- in some respects the greatest of all the prophets since Moses and until the advent of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). Although he lived 3000 years ago and his period of ministry was comparatively short, he is by no means a forgotten character –- look up Malachi 4:5; Matthew 11:14; 27:47; Luke 1:17; John 1:21. As we study his life and ministry the Holy Spirit will teach us valuable lessons which will enable us to live for and serve the Lord more effectively. Elijah’s sudden appearance upon the page of scripture centres upon the tremendous announcement he made to Ahab –- read 1 Kings 17:1, and compare James 5:17-18. However, before we look more closely at this remarkable man, let us suggest several classes of people to whom this series of studies will make a sp...

Study12B...To follow Christ means to give up the kingdom of self and the kingdom of the world, and pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God. It means our home is heaven, not earth.

@Livingwater Study 12B...Ambassador 2 corinthians 5:1-21 In a letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul discusses the ministry of reconciliation, and he uses the term “ambassadors” for Christ: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us ” (2 Corinthians 5:18-20, emphasis added). We stopped at point 1 in the part A..... 2 . The MESSAGE of an Ambassador of God This is clearly defined in 2 Corinthians 5:19-21. We are to proclaim the fact that at infinite cost to Himself God has made a way of reconciliation possible; that He has done this by sending His own Son to die for sin; and that through His sacrifice the barrier of sin has been removed and God and man have been brough...

Study 12A...Generally speaking, an ambassador is a respected official acting as a representative of a nation. Sent to a foreign land, the ambassador’s role is to reflect the official position of the sovereign body that gave him authority.

@Livingwater Study12A...Ambassador CALLED BY NEW NAME Scripture Portion: 2 Corinthians 5: 1-21 In Proverbs 13:17, Isaiah 18:2, 30:4; 33:7 and Jeremiah 49:14 we find the word ‘’envoy’’, meaning an ambassador . In the New Testament the Apostle Paul speaks of himself as Christ’’s ambassador (Ephesians 6:20), and of all Christians as the ambassadors of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:20). What is an ambassador? In 2 Corinthians 5:20 Paul says, ““We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors…”…” An ambassador is a REPRESENTATIVE –- one who represents another. He goes to a foreign country and represents the Throne and the Government of his own people. Now this is true of ambassadors for Christ – representatives of the King of heaven and of heaven itself in a foreign country –- this world. His position is one of great RESPONSIBILITY, so think of this in its spiritual significance. Christ is our representative in heaven (Hebrews 9:24) and we are His personal representatives on the earth (2 Corinthia...