
Showing posts from June, 2018

Study 4B..Conversion begins with serious consideration, and one of the best illustrations we have of this in the Bible is found in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-19),

@Livingwater Study4B..Serious Consideration leads to Definite Action . (Psalm 119:59-60) The words to underline now are, “”I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes.”” When a man thinks hard and seriously about God and salvation, his own soul and his soul’’s need, he soon makes a decision that leads to action. So we find again in Luke 15:20 that the Prodigal Son came to the point where ““he got up and went to his father””. He turned his back on the old life and set out towards a new life. This lead us to the last point. 2 . Definite Action leads to Loving Obedience. The words to underline now are, “”I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”” Definite action does not stop short at this point –- it must lead to a life of obedience. Conversion is just the beginning of a life of joyful obedience to the Lord, of finding out His perfect will, and doing it (Romans 12:2). Let us think about some other New Testament illustrations which are evidences o...

Study 4A...Christian conversion begins with serious consideration. But notice this,Serious Consideration leads to Definite Action .learn from prodigal son

@Livingwater Happy new month and happy Sunday! Study 4A WHAT IT MEANS TO BE CONVERTED Key-verses: ““I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”” (Psalm 119:59-60) In this brief testimony the psalmist defines the meaning of scriptural and spiritual conversion, and that is the theme of this study. We are not only to think about conversion, but about spiritual conversion, Christian conversion, conversion to Christ Himself. Of course, we can be converted to anything –- to communism, fascism, protestantism, catholicism, or any other ‘‘ism’’, so it is obviously not enough to speak about conversion. What does the Bible mean by conversion? The answer is given in these two verses: scriptural conversion is not to a man, to a religion, to a church or a creed, but it is conversion to a Person –- or, perhaps we should say, to the three Persons in the Godhead. It is our whole life being turned into a right relationshi...

Study3B..If we will regularly meditate we will never get bitter when God’’s hand is resting heavily upon us, or upon our loved ones or friends because we shall be able to say –- look up Job 23:10; and we shall appreciate the truth of Psalm 37:23-24 and will be able to rest quietly upon John 13:7.

@Livingwater Study3B...Benefit of meditation in His word Psalm 119:48..Joshua1:8 See what Psalm 19:7 says. This means that when the truth of God is applied to our life, it is so powerful that it turns our life away from all that is displeasing to the Lord, and turns it to the Lord Himself. It changes our lives right round. How is it that some Christians are only ““half-committed””?LOW OR NO MEDITATION IN HIS WORD. We were able to  one point in the last part,we take the lead from there, 2 . We shall find the secret of living peacefully in a chaotic world . Notice the word ““steadfast”” in Isaiah 26:3. It refers to a quiet, unhurried, relaxed waiting in the presence of God until our minds become stabilised with His truth. Everywhere there is fear and there are alarms. Sin abounds and God’’s judgments are surely near. All this is foretold in God’’s Word; but in that same Word we find confidence in the knowledge that God is working out His purpose for the world, the Jews and fo...

Study 3A..the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us, we hear His voice, and receive new life and vitality from Him, who is our life (Colossians 3:4).

@Livingwater Study 3A THE GREAT BENEFITS OF MEDITATION TEN STUDIES IN PSALM 119 Key-verse: ““I meditate on your decrees.”” (Psalm 119:48) Many times in Psalm 119 the writer refers to meditating in God’’s Word (verses 15, 23, 48, 97, 99 and 148. There are other references in Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 63:5-6 (KJV) and 1 Timothy 4:15 (KJV), and these all show us: first, that we should cultivate the habit of meditation; and second, that the range of our meditation is to be the whole Bible, the whole range of revealed truth from Genesis to Revelation. We are not only to receive God’’s Word with humility (James 1:21); to let God’’s Word dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16); to keep God’’s Word tenaciously (John 17:6); to continue in God’’s Word untiringly (John 8:31); to live out God’’s Word boldly (Philippians 2:16); but in addition to all this we are to meditate on it prayerfully and regularly, and this will require:- 1. Quietness. To meditate we must be alone. 2. Time. We mus...

Study2B..When we read the Bible without the help of God, the glory of God in the teachings and events of the Bible is like the sun shining in the face of a blind man.

@Livingwater Study 2B..Open my eyes...illumination Psalm 119:18... No one can see these wonderful things for what they really are without God’s supernatural help. “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law.” If God does not open our eyes, we will not see the wonder of the word. We are not naturally able to see spiritual beauty. When we read the Bible without the help of God, the glory of God in the teachings and events of the Bible is like the sun shining in the face of a blind man. Not that you can’t construe its surface meaning, but you can’t see the wonder, the beauty, the glory of it such that it wins your heart. 2 . ““Open my eyes that I may …” …” see the love of God and His infinite mercy and grace in the Lord Jesus Christ . We know the story of the grace of God so well; it is wonderfully declared in John 3:16. How great, far-reaching and all-embracing is the love of God! Read again Luke 15:11-24 and revel in verses 20-24. The great proof of God’’s lo...

Study 2A...Before we can see these wonderful things, our eyes must be opened. It was this that David prayed for. We are like the two on the Emmaus road (Luke 24:13-35), and as we pray the prayer of Psalm 119:18 the Lord Himself draws near.

@Livingwater Study 2A HOW TO PRAY WHEN READING THE BIBLE TEN STUDIES IN PSALM 119 Key-verse: ““Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”” (Psalm 119:18) In our study we will examine this prayer of David. Our object will be to see exactly what it tells us and then to suggest ways in which we should pray this prayer, and which we should be aware of every time we read God’’s Word. If we consider this verse carefully we shall see that this one petition embodies five basic and important truths. 1. The Bible is a unique Book. In this section of the psalm it is described as ““your word”” (verse 17); ““your law”” (verse 18); ““your commands”” (verse 19); ““your statutes”” (verses 22 and 24), and the emphasis in each case is on the word ““your””. The Bible is unique because it is God’’s Book; He is the Author. David’’s Bible was much smaller than ours, but now we have in the completed canon of scripture 66 books, all of which are inspired (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). ...

Series18,study1B..Search your Bible and be ready to obey all that God commands. Immediately you will begin to experience cleansing –- look up John 15:3,React to this continually and see the power in the word.

@Livingwater Study 1B GOD’’S METHOD FOR HOLY LIVING TEN STUDIES IN PSALM 119 Key-verse: “”How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”” (Psalm 119:9) The Bible has the answer to every question that is vitally important to us in this life and the life to come. Some say that the Bible is not relevant; for David or for Paul it was ideal in its teaching and application, and even for the Lord Jesus (for the Old Testament was His Bible) but, they say, the Book does not relate to our needs in the twenty-first century. Such ideas are entirely wrong,let check the key word in the answer that the scripture gave to the question asked in the key verse. 2 . THE ANSWER Look at our verse – – “By living according to your word””. Examine this sentence carefully and you will see three things which you must do to gain cleansing:- 1. Stop in your tracks. Note the word ““way””, which has in it the meaning of ““rut”” or ““track”” –- the kind of track that would be made...

Series 18 study1..The Bible has the answer to every question that is vitally important to us in this life and the life to come. Some say that the Bible is not relevant; for David or for Paul it was ideal in its teaching and application, and even for the Lord Jesus

@Livingwater Series18 Study 1 GOD’’S METHOD FOR HOLY LIVING TEN STUDIES IN PSALM 119 Key-verse: “”How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”” (Psalm 119:9) The Bible has the answer to every question that is vitally important to us in this life and the life to come. Some say that the Bible is not relevant; for David or for Paul it was ideal in its teaching and application, and even for the Lord Jesus (for the Old Testament was His Bible) but, they say, the Book does not relate to our needs in the twenty-first century. Such ideas are entirely wrong, for the Bible is the only book that speaks with authority about the needs of time and eternity; it is the only guide to a holy life, to a life that is pure, dedicated and pleasing to God. So the psalmist, who was deeply concerned about personal purity, cried out, “”How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”” We might re-phrase the question: What is the secret of personal, ...

Study10B..Elisha seems fully confident that the waters will part. And when they do, he does not hesitate, but walks across on dry land. Elisha's question is not a question at all but an exclamation of faith.

@Livingwater Stidy10B.. ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD 2king2:14-17 Luke9:28-36 But not so with Elisha. He rolls the mantle and asks the question as he's striking the water. Elisha seems fully confident that the waters will part. And when they do, he does not hesitate, but walks across on dry land. Elisha's question is not a question at all but an exclamation of faith. The last point is 2 . ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD : When do we especially need to be reminded of this? When we have experienced the sorrow of separation and bereavement. Elisha knew Elijah was to leave him, but that did not lessen the blow when it actually happened. When bereavement comes to us, perhaps more than at any other time, we need to experience the power, presence and sufficiency of our God. Elijah’’s God, the mighty, comforting God, is our God. When we are about to undertake some new responsibility in service. Elisha was now commencing his ministry as Elijah’’s successor; the responsibility was grea...

Study10A...Now Elijah had gone, and one question burned in Elisha’’s mind as he took up Elijah’’s mantle and walked to the bank of Jordan –- ““Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?””

@Livingwater Study 10A WHERE NOW IS THE LORD,THE GOD OF ELIJAH ? (Scripture Portions: 2 Kings 2: 14-17; Luke 9: 28-36) Elisha was Elijah’’s successor. For nine years he had understudied and worked with his master. Now Elijah had gone, and one question burned in Elisha’’s mind as he took up Elijah’’s mantle and walked to the bank of Jordan –- ““Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?”” (2 Kings 2:14). “Is Elijah’’s God with me, and is He still the same? That is the one thing that matters!” To seek positive evidence that God was with him, Elisha struck the waters with the mantle –- and immediately they were divided (v.14), and the onlookers saw the power of God (v.15). God was indeed with Elisha! What is the lesson for us? God is still the same, His power is undiminished. His servants may die, times may change, but He remains! He is our God, with us today –- look up Hebrews 13:8. 1 . ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD : What does this mean in a practical sense ? It means that the Lord G...

Study9..Even Elijah came to the end of his earthly span of service. There were very few witnesses on the earth in those days; good men were scarce, yet Elijah had to go! Arise to stand in the gap.

@Livingwater Study 9 THE HOME-GOING OF A SERVANT OF GOD (Scripture Portion: 2 Kings 2: 1-15) As believers (Ephesians 1:13), those who are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19), we have a glorious prospect. At present we live in the body, and we “groan” (Romans 8:23) and long for our Heavenly Home –- look up John 14:1-3; 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 and Psalm 23:6. Elijah finished his earthly life by being caught up to Heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11), and this story contains some valuable lessons for us. 1. EVERY SERVANT OF GOD, WHOEVER HE MAY BE AND HOWEVER IMPORTANT HIS WORK, MUST EVENTUALLY REST FROM HIS LABOURS 2.IN ELIJAH’’ S TRANSLATION WE HAVE AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE WAY IN WHICH A GENERATION OF BELIEVERS WILL 3.THE TIME , THE MANNER AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF OUR HOME- GOING ARE IN THE HANDS OF OUR LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER 4.ALTHOUGH GOD TAKES AWAY HIS SERVANTS, HIS WORK GOES ON 5.SOMETIMES GOD’’ S PEOPLE HAVE CERTAIN INDICATIONS THAT THE END OF THEIR ...

Study 8B..God will yet vindicate His people and mete out judgment to those who have rebelled against Him, rejected His word and refused to humble themselves before Him

@Livingwater Study8B... Naboth ,the man of focus.. 1king 21:1-29,2king9:30-37 We have been discussing Naboth faithful habit and Ahab cunningness and covetousness,then we will be looking into Jezebel's part in this play and also how God took over through His faithful servant,Elijah...please,allow holy spirit to minister to even as you're this short message... 3 . JEZEBEL ’’ S SINISTER PLOT We see this in verses 5-14. Jezebel is one of the most sinister figures in the Bible. She not only wrought great evil, but she influenced Ahab to do evil. See how she acted when she heard of Naboth’’s refusal. She replied with a stinging taunt (verse 7); she resorted to forgery (verse 8).let check her reward quickly...  4 . GOD ’’ S SOVEREIGN ACTION Ahab and Jezebel had defied the Lord, but they could not get away with it, for He is sovereign in the affairs of mankind and He always has the last word. Now He acted – – and take note of this solemn record, for this God is the God with ...

Study 8A...The vineyard, part of his inherited property, had belonged to his ancestors for many generations, so how could he sell it? But it was not simply a matter of sentiment –- your Christian life is a vineyard, don't negotiate it with the devil

@Livingwater Study 8 THE STORY OF NABOTH’S VINEYARD (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 21: 1-29; 2 Kings 9: 30-37) This solemn story reveals two things of which we need to be reminded constantly, which are always true but which we so quickly forget: first, that God is sovereign, all-powerful and infinitely holy, and that He hates sin (Romans 1:18); and second , that man is wicked, wilful and deserving of God’’s wrath (Colossians 3:5-6). As you read 1 Kings 21, ask yourself: What does this chapter tell me about God and about men and women? Five personalities are brought before us in this story, and notice how each of them acted in this terrible drama. 1 . AHAB ’’ S SELFISH DEMAND Verses 1 and 2. Ahab, King of Israel, was very wealthy, but all his possessions did not satisfy him and he coveted the vineyard which belonged to Naboth. He offered to exchange or buy it, but to his surprise and anger Naboth refused –- see verse 3. So what did Ahab do? Verse 4: what a picture it is –- a king su...

Study7B...Could it be that God had just used you to proclaim His power for victory and certain principalities are calling for your life? They have failed in Jesus name.don't give it a thought at all..

@Livingwater Study7B...Arise and eat more... 1king 19:1-18 Elijah did not consider the opinion of God, so he arose and ran for his life. He went as far as Beersheba the southernmost city, left his servant there and still began to walk for another day into the desert. He later became exhausted. At this point, he gave up on life and living. Both master and servant became weary in running, master became fainting in walking. That will not be your portion in life in Jesus name. Let's consider this remaining point... 2 . NOTICE HOW ELIJAH GOT INTO THIS CONDITION OF DEPRESSION AND BREAKDOWN He was MENTALLY overstrained. For 3 ½ years he had experienced terrific tension, culminating in the great victory on Mount Carmel and the slaughter of the priests (1 Kings 18). Is it to be wondered that he was exhausted mentally and nervously? He was PHYSICALLY exhausted. Not only had the experiences of the past years made heavy demands upon his body, but now he had just taken an 18-mile cros...

Study7A..He was overwhelmed with depression, despondency and despair (verse 4). Poor Elijah! –- sitting under a juniper tree! Have you been like that? Are you under the juniper tree now?

@Livingwater Study 7 WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, ELIJAH? (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 19: 1-18) Our studies thus far have shown Elijah to be a man of deep devotion, unquestioning obedience and daring faith. But then there comes a chapter describing breakdown, humiliating failure and defeat –- 1 Kings 19. A sad chapter –- yet, so up-to-date and applicable to our own experience. ““A man just like ourselves!”” (James 5:17). Do you ever get discouraged, depressed and despondent? Do you ever find yourself in the grip of despair? Does fear ever possess you? Do you ever have doubts? Do you ever experience loneliness and a feeling that nobody understands? Do you ever feel at the end of your tether? Do you ever go to sleep and wish you need not wake up? 1 . NOTICE THE DESPERATE CONDITION IN WHICH ELIJAH FOUND HIMSELF He was suddenly gripped by fear and alarm. Is this the courageous man of 1 Kings 18:17-18 and 40, the same man of which 1 Kings 19:2-3 speaks? Elijah –- running for his ...

Study6B...Immediately Elijah finished showing God to people on the mount Carmel,he did not stopped there and be taking glory ,he returned the glory to God and went on praying for abundant of rain for same country.people of God ,your calling fire down is never enough .

@Livingwater Study6B...Sound of abundant of Rain.. 1king 18:41-46,James5:16-18.... Immediately Elijah finished showing God to people on the mount Carmel,he did not stopped there and be taking glory ,he returned the glory to God and went on praying for  abundant of rain for same country.people of God ,your calling fire down is never enough move to solving of the people in your country,church ,world,family ,school,family and your friends.Remember Elijah did that...see Elijah's qualities in the place of prayer for abundant rain... 4 . IT WAS A PRAYER WHICH WAS DEFINITE AND TO THE POINT See what Zechariah 10:1 says. This is exactly what Elijah did; he only had one petition as he came before the Lord – – “Lord, send the rain! Send the rain! Send the rain!”” In the Upper Room they prayed for only one thing –- the coming of the promised Holy Spirit (Acts 1:13-14). When Peter was in prison the church prayed for only one thing –- his deliverance (Acts 12:5). See also Luke 11:5 and 1...

Study6A...When we pray we need to make sure that our petition is founded upon the promise of God, so that we are praying in accordance with His will. Without such a promise we may well demand things contrary to His will

@Livingwater Study 6A.. A SOUND OF ABUNDANCE OF RAIN (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 18: 41-46; James 5: 16-18 When Elijah told Ahab that there was “a sound of abundance of rain” (KJV), there had as yet been no sound audible to the human ear. Elijah had only heard this sound by the hearing of faith –- look up Galatians 3:2, and compare Psalm 25:14; Amos 3:7; Acts 22:9. 1 Kings 18 records two prayers that Elijah prayed: one was in public –- for fire (verses 36-37), and the other was in private –- for water (verses 42-46). In this study we shall look at Elijah on the mountain top, alone with God and praying for the showers to be poured out upon the thirsty land. What kind of prayer was this prayer? 1 . IT WAS A PRAYER OF FAITH , FOR IT RESTED UPON GOD ’’ S OWN SURE PROMISE When we pray we need to make sure that our petition is founded upon the promise of God, so that we are praying in accordance with His will. Without such a promise we may well demand things contrary to His will, whi...