Study 7B..It is through God ’ s Word that the Holy Spirit quickens us when we are in bondage and sets us free.
@Livingwater Study7B...Quickening through HIS Word Key-verse: ”Quicken me, O Lord, according unto thy word!” (Psalm 119:107, KJV) How easy it is to get into bondage to sin (Romans 6:12); to self (Romans 6:16); and to Satan (Luke 22:31)! In Psalm 119:153 the Psalmist prayed, ”Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law.” The Lord Jesus Himself, from the Throne, is the great Liberator, as we learn from John 8:36; but He liberates us by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as we learn from Romans 8:2, and the medium through which He works is the Word of God.we stopped at point two in the last part.. 3 . It is through God’ s Word that the Holy Spirit instructs us in the way of righteousness and enables us to please God . Many times in Psalm 119 the psalmist prays that God would show him the right way and enable him to walk in that way. This is exactly what the Holy Spirit does as we turn to God’s Word with the desire to hear Him speaking to us...