
Showing posts from January, 2019

LW:The Christian life is not just an outwardly reformed life; primarily it is an inwardly cleansed life

@Livingwater Study2B...the Lord's five fold of laws of priorities (Scripture Portion: Matthew 6:25-34) 1 . In Matthew 5 :23 - 24 – - FIRST your Brother , then your Gift . Notice how clear God’’s order is. The Devil loves to sow seeds of discord in God’’s people, but here the Lord tells us of the way of victory –- not an easy way, but one that commands His immediate blessing. To worship Him, bring gifts to Him or enter into His service are all in vain if we fail to obey His requirement in Matthew 5:23-24. God’’s work is often paralysed, and His servants are frequently powerless, because of an unwillingness to seek and secure the reconciliation that is commanded and that will alone glorify Him and release His blessing. No Christian can be right with God if he is consciously wrong with his fellow-men. If the tides of God’’s blessing are dammed up in your life, is it because you need to “’first go and be reconciled…’…”? As you think of the matter at this moment, what is it that y...

LW: How can we know what God wants us to put first? Here, as in every matter of faith and practice, the Word of God is our all-sufficient guide.

@Livingwater Study 2A SOME OF GOD’’S PRIORITIES DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Matthew 6:25-34) In this study we consider some things that God puts first in order of importance. There is a certain excitement about ‘‘first things’’. Our parents probably remembered the first time we walked or talked! Can you remember the first time you saw your need of the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour? the first time you prayed in public? the first time you gave your testimony, led a soul to Christ? All these experiences come first in order of time; but here we are to think of things that should come first by virtue of our deliberate choice. Concerning these God says, ‘’ Seek first…’…’, for they are His priorities. A big lesson we have to learn is that of discrimination. Many things clamour for priority, and we need to know how to assess their value and not to give the first place to secondary things. For example, the soul is more important than the body (Mark 8:36); the thin...

LW: These are the simple conditions that must be fulfilled if we are to experience ‘’days of Heaven upon earth..check it out

@Livingwater Study 1C  ALL THIS, AND HEAVEN TOO! DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Deuteronomy 11:7-25 KJV) But, is it possible for us to experience these days now? Deuteronomy 11:18-21 assures us that such an experience is possible for all who are willing to meet the simple conditions which God lays down.we will be going through the last two condition out of Five conditions from the text.May you be blessed as you study. 4 . WE ARE TO SPEAK GOD ’’ S WORD ALL DAY LONG (VERSE 19 ). When we sit, walk, lie down or get up we are to speak –- compare 1 Thessalonians 5:17. When we sit. Do you ever speak of Christ when you entertain friends? There is no more honouring theme, and certainly none so satisfying! When we are out walking. Look up Luke 24:13-35. What health-giving benefit there is in taking a walk and meditating upon the Word and holding communion with the Living Word (John 1:1)! When we get up. Happy is the Christian who begins the day alone with God, seeki...

LW: To live by God’’s standard we must lay up His Word in our heart –..some will ask how possible it is to live heavenly experience on Earth...check it out

@Livingwater Study 1B ALL THIS, AND HEAVEN TOO! DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Deuteronomy 11:7-25 KJV) In Deuteronomy 11:18-21 we are told five things to do with the Word of God ,but I will be concentrating on three out of five while the remaining two will discussed in the next part,may you be blessed as you follow,and if we will faithfully do these things we shall experience ‘‘days of Heaven upon earth’’. 1 . WE ARE TO LAY UP GOD’ ’ S WORD IN OUR HEART (VERSE 18 ). This means that we are to store the Word in our heart and not merely in our head –- look up Psalm 119:11; and we are to hear the Word, believe it, receive it, apply it and translate it into daily living –- look up and compare Hebrews 4:2; James 1:22. Are we allowing the Word to govern our lives? By what do you live? To live by God’’s standard we must lay up His Word in our heart –- look up Colossians 3:16. 2 . WE ARE TO KEEP GOD’ ’ S WORD ALWAYS BEFORE US (VERSE 18 ). The reference here is to the J...

LW:Days of heaven upon earth....check it out.

@Livingwater Theme:DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH Study 1A  ALL THIS, AND HEAVEN TOO! (Scripture Portion: Deuteronomy 11:7-25 KJV) The theme of this new series is a thrilling one! Each of the ten studies emphasises a different aspect of the Christian’’s walk, work, warfare and witness, and unfolds God’’s provision for every one of His children to experience ‘’days of Heaven upon earth’’. But, is it possible for us to experience these days now? Deuteronomy 11:18-21 assures us that such an experience is possible for all who are willing to meet the simple conditions which God lays down. The Lord has a two-fold purpose for all His children: First , His plan is that after we have spent a little time down here in the world (John 16:33), and proved the sufficiency of His grace (2 Corinthians 12:9), and the unfolding of His will (Romans 8:28), we shall go to live for ever with Him in Heaven (John 14:2). But second , His plan is that we should experience here and now ‘‘days of Heaven upon...