LW:Is there any joy like the joy of winning a soul to Christ? And if the joy is great now, what will it be then, when we see those whom we have won in the presence of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 2:19)?
@Livingwater Study 10B A PROMISE TO CHRISTIAN WORKERS (Scripture Portion: Psalm 126) The Christian Worker is one who SOWS SEED All true Christian service consists of seed sowing – taking a Sunday School class, distributing tracts, preaching, visiting the sick, letter-writing
…Look up Luke 8:11 and see what the seed is. 1. This seed is precious (Psalm 126:6 (KJV); 2 Peter 1:4). There is none like it; it is life-giving (John 6:63). 2. This seed is powerful (Romans 1:16; Hebrews 4:12). It can turn sinners into saints (Psalm 19:7). 3. This seed is productive (Daniel 12:3). It brings forth an eternal harvest. But the seed must be sown! Seed in the basket will never produce a harvest. It is not the truth we know but the truth we sow that bears fruit - and we shall reap what we sow! Sow wheat, and there will be a harvest of wheat; sow truth, and there will be a glorious harvest; sow error, and there will be a harvest of shame - look up Galatians 6:7. 4 . The Christian Work...