
Showing posts from March, 2019

LW: ““If we worry we do not trust; if we trust we do not worry””.

@Livingwater Study 6B THE CONQUEST OF WORRY Key Verse: ““Who are you that you fear mortal men……that you live in constant terror every day……because of the wrath of the oppressor?”” (Isaiah 51:12-13) 2 . WHY IS IT FOOLISH FOR A CHRISTIAN TO WORRY? It is foolish to worry when we consider that the thing we are worrying about may never happen. But supposing it does happen? What then? It is still foolish, for the following reasons: 1. It is foolish because we gain absolutely nothing by worrying. Can you think of any possible gain? Of course, if in the goodness of God we have sought and found deliverance from worry, we are qualified to help others to seek and find similar deliverance, but apart from this reflex benefit there is absolutely no direct value in worrying at all. 2. It is foolish because if we have worried we are less ready to meet the experiences of life when they do come. We are less fortified to meet the crises of life if worry has already exhausted us, for it dissipates...

LW: When we worry we play right into his hands, and for this reason, if for no other, it is a sin to worry.

@Livingwater Study 6A THE CONQUEST OF WORRY Key Verse: ““Who are you that you fear mortal men……that you live in constant terror every day……because of the wrath of the oppressor?”” (Isaiah 51:12-13) This study is a very simple one, but its aim is to deliver a death-blow at this terrible “oppressor” called Worry. A modern writer has entitled his best-selling book, ““How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”” –- and we might well take that for the title of this present Bible study. But do we need such a study? Yes, for most of us worry either about something that happened yesterday, something that is almost certainly going to happen today, or something that may or may not happen tomorrow –- and yet it is still perfectly true that – – ““If we worry we do not trust; if we trust we do not worry””. With our Bible open before us, let us emphasise two main truths: it is both sinful and foolish for a Christian to worry. 1 . WHY IS IT SINFUL FOR A CHRISTIAN TO WORRY? 1. It is sinful because ...

LW:Some people only pray when trouble comes. This is very sad, though it is true that the Lord does give a special promise for times of trouble.

@Livingwater Study 5B WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO PRAY Key Verse: ““…they should always pray and not give up.”” (Luke 18:1) If a bad man (and the unjust judge was that) will yield to the entreaty of a poor widow, how much more will God yield to the earnest prayers of His people! 2 . WHEN should we pray ? The answer is, ““Always!”” which means at all times and in all circumstances. See how the apostle Paul puts it in Ephesians 6:18 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17. When should we pray? 1. At regular stated times. We do many things daily by habit, and we should form the habit of prayer –- look up Psalm 55:17, and compare Daniel 6:10. 2. When the Holy Spirit urges us. Have we not all had this experience? – look up Romans 8:26-27. As surely as we go into the place of prayer so surely is the Holy Spirit present to guide us in our praying. It is wonderful to be thus guided by Him to pray for someone for whom previously we had no thought of praying, and afterwards to discover that our prayer was th...

LW:Nothing is more important in the life of the Christian than that there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. Prayer means contact with...

@Livingwater Study 5A WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO PRAY Key Verse: ““…they should always pray and not give up.”” (Luke 18:1) Nothing is more important in the life of the Christian than that there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. Prayer means contact with, communion with and fellowship with God. It is not simply asking God for things, though it does include that. Our Lord related the parable in Luke 18:1-8 in order to stress the great importance of prayer. He said, “”they should always pray…”…” This, of course, is a comprehensive word; it is the privilege of all to pray, and in this chapter 18 of Luke’’s Gospel we are given five examples: a praying widow (verse 3); a praying Pharisee (verse 10); a praying publican (verse 13); a praying ruler (verse 18); and a praying beggar (verse 38). 1 . WHY should we pray? There are many answers to this question, but let us confine our answer to the suggestion that arises out of the word ““should””...

LW:God must have reality, sincerity, and the instrument He uses to penetrate to the inward parts of our nature is the Word of God

@Livingwater Study 4B THE WONDER OF THE WORD Key Verse: ““For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”” (Hebrews 4:12) 2 . It is LIVING in its NATURE It is spoken of as being “”quick””, or literally, “”living”” or ““full of life””. How did this Book become a living book? A comparison of Genesis 1:26 and 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us. Just as God breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul, so He has breathed into this Book so that it has become a living book. The word “”inspiration”” in 2 Timothy 3:16 literally means ““God-breathed””. In what way is the Word of God living? 1. It is living in itself. Compare John 6:63 with Proverbs 6:22. 2. It is life-giving, that is, it imparts life. Compare James 1:18 and 1 Peter 1:23. Seeds do not appear to contain life, any more than Bibles do! But seeds do contain life –- an...

LW:Of all the inspired titles that the Holy Spirit uses concerning the Bible perhaps the most precious is ““the word of God

@Livingwater Study 4A THE WONDER OF THE WORD Key Verse: ““For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”” (Hebrews 4:12) Of all the inspired titles that the Holy Spirit uses concerning the Bible perhaps the most precious is ““the word of God”” –- compare Ephesians 6:17; 1 Peter 1:23; Hebrews 4:12. But does our key verse refer to the Bible (the written Word) or to the Lord Jesus Himself (the incarnate Word)? Look up John 1:1. Some Bible students believe that the reference here is to Christ, the incarnate Word, and verse 13 would seem to support this view. On the other hand, many other students of the Word, with equal conviction, feel that the reference here is to the written Word. We suggest that both views are right. The two Words are inseparable, for the only revelation we have of the incarnate Word is in the written Word, and the ...

LW:““Whatever He says, however contrary it may seem to your ideas, do it!”” How can she be so confident? Because He was, and is, unique. He is the Son of God.

@Livingwater Study 3B DOING WHATEVER HE SAYS Key Verse: ““Do whatever he tells you.”” (John 2:5) 2 . Consider the fact that all that the Lord says to us has a three- fold relationship . In that it touches God, it is for His glory; in that it touches me, it is for my good; and in that it touches others, it is for their good. 1. When the Lord Jesus said, ““Fill……draw……take…”…” (verses 7 and 8), it was for His glory. Verse 11 tells us this, and we can be sure that whenever He speaks to us about something in our life, something He wants us to be, to do or to say, it is always for His glory. In other words, to listen to what He says and to render Him full obedience will always glorify Him. 2. When the Lord Jesus said, “Fill……draw……take…”…” (verses 7 and 8), it was for their (the servants’’) good. How do we know? Because in verse 9 we are told that while the governor and the guests did not know about the miracle, the servants did. Is it not most likely that having seen the miracle th...

LW: the Lord speaks to us today just as definitely as He did to the servants at the marriage feast of Cana in Galilee.

@Livingwater Study 3A DOING WHATEVER HE SAYS Key Verse: ““Do whatever he tells you.”” (John 2:5) In our key verse we have the golden rule of a happy and useful Christian life. Do we want to know His joy, peace and blessing upon our service? Do we want our life to be well-pleasing to Him in all things? Do we want our prayers to be answered? Are we seeking fresh and enlarged fields of service –- and do we need guidance? Then we must do what He says. If we can live in obedience to this golden rule we shall always be filled with the glory of His presence, power and blessing. Read John 2:1-11, and notice what a remarkable claim Mary makes for the Lord Jesus –- ““Whatever He says, however contrary it may seem to your ideas, do it!”” How can she be so confident? Because He was, and is, unique. He is the Son of God. 1 . Consider the fact that He does speak to us today He speaks to us just as He spoke to the servants 2000 years ago (verses 7 and 8). But how does He speak? 1. He speaks to...

LW:It is easy to doubt and fear if we look at circumstances, but it is vital that through all the worsening conditions around us we remain loyal to our King.

@Livingwater Study 2B BELONGING TO THE KING OF KINGS Key Verse: “We are yours, O David! We are with you…”…” ” (1 Chronicles 12: 18) 2. He needs men fully trained and equipped for warfare Read verses 2, 8 and 38. Do not imagine that to be a Christian is an easy-going business! The kind of soldiers our Lord wants is indicated by these verses: “…“…armed with bows……who could use both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows……men of might……men of war fit for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains……men that could keep rank……with a perfect heart.” The warfare in which we are engaged is a stern one, and our Enemy is very powerful (Ephesians 6:12). If we are to be of any use in waging this great spiritual warfare we must be trained, disciplined and properly equipped, and know not only how to put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-17), but how to use the t...

LW It is a sad thing when in these days Christians side with those who in their hearts reject the King:

@Livingwater Study 2A BELONGING TO THE KING OF KINGS Key Verse: “We are yours, O David! We are with you…”…” ” (1 Chronicles 12: 18) In this chapter David is brought before us as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, ““great David’’s greater Son””. David was God’’s appointed and anointed king, but only a few accepted him as such, for the majority were on the side of Saul. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the rightful King. God has appointed and anointed Him ““and gave him the name that is above every name”” (Philippians 2:9) –- but only a few accept Him as such; the vast majority reject Him. Our Lord is now rejected And by the world disowned; By the many still neglected, And by the few enthroned. During his rejection David needed men who not only believed in him secretly but who would come out boldly and be his followers, and this is what our King needs today. In this study we shall see the kind of men and women our Lord needs. What are the characteristics of those who belong to the King an...

LW:Answered prayer is a personal demonstration that our God is the living God, and is vitally interested in us.

@Livingwater Study 1B THE SECRET OF THE BLESSED LIFE Key Verse: ““O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”” (Psalm 84:12 ) This series of ten studies is based upon Psalm 84:7 – – “”They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” Notice the description of this present life in verse 6. We are all passing through the Valley of Baca (““weeping””); we all sooner or later come to know something of sorrow, disappointment and loss, for the road God calls us to walk must go by the way of the valley. No one is exempt from the Baca experiences, but the great word in verse 6 is “”through””. The valley is not our home, for we are passing through it and on into the presence of God (verse 7).we stopped at point one in the last study. 2 . There must be DESIRE FOR GOD The unconverted have no such desire –- look up Romans 3:11; but see what the man who recognises God says –- Psalm 84:2-3. He even envies the birds because they had made their nests and re...

LW: the first ingredient of a truly happy life is to recognise God as the all- powerful , graciously- providing,

@Livingwater Study 1A THE SECRET OF THE BLESSED LIFE Key Verse: ““O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”” (Psalm 84:12 ) This series of ten studies is based upon Psalm 84:7 – – “”They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.”” It is a series specially prepared for those who are ““in Zion””. Zion in the Old Testament is a picture of the Church, and only those who have been born again “”in Zion” are members of the true Church –- look up Psalm 87:5; Jeremiah 50:5; John 3:3. Again, this series will remind us that the Christian life is a life of progress. Those who are ““in Zion……go from strength to strength” -” they grow in grace, they are continually progressing, advancing, developing –- look up 2 Peter 3:18. Finally, this series will keep before us the great prospect that is ours as pilgrim travellers; that through the grace and merit of our Saviour every one of us who is truly ““in Zion”” will appear ““before God””. In the study of any...

LW:Heaven is the Home of Heaven’s people. Are you one of Heaven’s people?

@Livingwater Study 10B OUR HEAVENLY HOME DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: John 14:1-15) In John 14:2-3 our Lord tells us three simple facts about Heaven: 1 . HEAVEN IS A PLACE Heaven has locality, it has situation –- just as London and New York have –- and just as Hell has location –- Revelation 1:18. The Lord Jesus said, “”I am going there to prepare a place for you…”…”, and that place He described as His ‘’Father’s house’’ in which are ‘’many rooms’’ , or abiding places. Yes, Heaven is real! Where is Heaven? Look up Acts 1:9-11, and compare Acts 7:55. What kind of place is it? It is a place of eternal joy and blessedness. This fact is not only emphasised in the Bible by the description we are given of the glories and beauties of Heaven, but by what will be missing in Heaven! In Heaven there is no sin (Revelation 21:27), no sorrow or death (Revelation 21:4), no mourning and no night (Revelation 21:25); no separation (Revelation 21:1); no tears (Revelation 7:17)...

LW: This is the Christian’s sure confidence, that when we say goodbye to our brothers and sisters in Christ down here we shall meet them again up there

@Livingwater Study 10A OUR HEAVENLY HOME DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: John 14:1-15) This concluding study will appeal to every child of God. While we are down here upon the earth we may experience heavenly joy and peace in our hearts, as our Saviour walks and talks with us (Hebrews 13:5-6); but we are not destined to live down here for ever. We are bound for our heavenly Home! The Bible does not tell us too much about Heaven, but just enough to thrill our hearts as we think of the bliss and glory shared by all whose Home it is. Shortly before our Lord Jesus went to the cross of Calvary to die for us He gave to His first disciples (and to us) a very wonderful promise –- John 14:2-3. It is upon this promise that we base our confidence that Heaven is our Home. There are three significant reasons why every Christian should be helped and encouraged by a meditation upon the subject of Heaven: First: because we are most surely going to Heaven! Every truly born again ...

LW: Do you realise what a large proportion of the prophecies of the Old Testament are taken up with the final triumph of Christ and of His reign?

@Livingwater Study 9B THE CHRISTIAN’’S BLESSED HOPE DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Titus 2:1-15) Think of it this way: Every Christian is going to Heaven, but how are we to get there? The souls of the “”dead in Christ”” are already with Christ, “”which is far better”” (Philippians 1:23); but we are not going to spend eternity as disembodied spirits (2 Corinthians 5:3); one day we shall have a new body like His. But how and when will this take place? The answer is –- at His coming again! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 makes it clear that the resurrection of “the dead in Christ” and the transformation and translation of all living believers will take place at the second coming.below are the remaining reason why we should be familiar with His coming. 2 . Second, because this subject relates to every believer . 3 . Third , because this subject dominates biblical revelation . 4 . Fourth , because this subject affects Christian character and conduct . 5 . Fifth , because th...

LW: If we acknowledge the authority of the Bible we must be convinced about the fact of His return,

@Livingwater Study 9A THE CHRISTIAN’’S BLESSED HOPE DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Titus 2:1-15) The Christian’’s ‘‘blessed hope’’ is referred to in Titus 2:13: it is the imminent, personal and (I believe) pre-Millennial return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The word ‘‘hope’’ in the New Testament does not imply uncertainty, as when we say, ‘‘I hope so!’’ The Greek word means ‘’a joyful and confident expectation’’, and this hope is joyful and confident because it is based upon the promise of our Lord (John 14:3). All the signs point to the fact that the Lord’’s coming is imminent; the scriptures clearly predict that His coming will be pre-Millennial –- that is, that He must come before there can be any Millennium. This is a thrilling subject, yet there are many Christians who, through ignorance of the scriptures or prejudice, are not expecting and looking for the return of the Lord. Let us consider some reasons why every Christian should be familiar with the ...