
Showing posts from June, 2017

Therefore God looked for a way to justify the sinner without justifying his sin. He found the solution in Jesus Christ who volunteered to live a righteous life and die a sinner’s death so that His own righteousness could then be given as a gift to any one who believes in Him. ......Justification

JUSTIFICATION MEMORY VERSE : Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Romans 5:1. BIBLE PASSAGE: Romans 5:1-21 INTRODUCTION: Many people confuse justification with forgiveness. They are two different things. Justification is more than forgiveness: to justify means to declare righteous. The law and justice of God demands death as the penalty for sin. (Ezek. 18:4) but the mercy of God wants to rescue the sinner from death. (Ezek. 33:11). But then God has said that He will not justify the wicked (Ex. 23:7) and that any human judge who justifies the wicked shall be punished. (Isa. 5:22-23). Therefore God looked for a way to justify the sinner without justifying his sin. He found the solution in Jesus Christ who volunteered to live a righteous life and die a sinner’s death so that His own righteousness could then be given as a gift to any one who believes in Him. WHAT ARE INVOLVED IN JUSTIFICATION? Two major things are included in justification. The first one is that not only ...

Be separate part 2

BE SEPARATE - PART TWO WHEN IN DOUBT, WHAT RULES CAN I APPLY? There are situations when we are not sure whether to be separate or not. In such a situation, there are some guiding principles to help us decide on what to do. (a) If my action causes my brother to stumble, then I must not do it. (1 Cor. 8:13). (b) Whatsoever I do, I must be sure it will bring glory to God, otherwise I should not do it. (Col. 3:17). (c) I must separate from anything that harms my body, physically, mentally or emotionally (1 Cor. 6:19-20). (d) The best rule is to ask: If Jesus were in my present situation, what would He do? Whatever the honest answer to that question is what I must do also (1 Pet.2:21). WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF SEPARATION? If we live a life of separation from sin and worldly amusements and separated unto God, the following blessings shall be ours: (a) We shall be transformed more and more into the image of Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:2). (b) We Lord will receive us (11 Cor. 6:17). (c) W...

Conscience:Conscience is an internal judge examining all that I do and say. It cries out before any wrong doing, it does not keep quiet during the act and keeps “talking” even after the act.

CONSCIENCE MEMORY VERSE : When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, Romans 1:21. BIBLE PASSAGE: Rom. 1:18-32. INTRODUCATION : What is Conscience? Conscience is an internal judge examining all that I do and say. It cries out before any wrong doing, it does not keep quiet during the act and keeps “talking” even after the act. The word conscience does not appear in the Old Testament, instead the word “heart” is substituted (1 Sam. 24:5). Who has a conscience? Is it reserved for educated and civilized people only? No, all have consciences (11 Cor. 4:2). But there are various types of consciences: evil ones, pure ones, weak ones, good ones and so on. EVIL CONSCIENCE: Not all conscience are good. In fact, since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Many consciences had become darkened and defiled. The conscience of man suffered terribly in the fall (Eph. 4:18, Titus 1:15). It is an evil conscience that directs a man to bow down and worship an idol. It is an evil conscience tha...

Things to know concerning Angels

ANGELS MEMORY VERSE : For he shall give his angels charge ove thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Ps. 91:11. BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalm 91:1-16 INTRODUCATION : Little attention is paid to the study of angels today because many people consider such a study almost valueless. However, we should not underestimate the ministry of angles, particularly that of guardian angels; we certainly do not know how much we owe to them (Matt. 18:10). We are not to worship angels (Col. 2:18). But knowing about them and what they do will increase our thanksgiving to the Lord of Hosts. The word “angel” first occurs in (Gen. 16:7). They are created by God but the time of creation is not specifically mentioned. Paul believed in angels and talked about “Jesus and His angles” (11 Thess. 1:7). 1. WHAT ARE ANGELS LIKE Angels are spirit beings (Heb. 1:14). As spirits, angles are not bound by natural human laws. Therefore angels can enter locked rooms (Acts 12:7). Open doors without keys (Acts 5:19) and ascend in a...

Wisdom for Right living

WISDOM FOR RIGHT LIVING AS A WOMAN                       THAT WILL PLEASE GOD 1) God is the author of your story, not you. That is so much easier said than lived out, but it is the Gospel truth. He has a plan and a purpose for you that is greater than you could dream up or imagine. If you think your dreams are big, imagine how big His dreams must be for you! If He is the author, He knows the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing is too complex for Him, no detail is left unnoticed, and His timing is perfect. Sometimes life can be complicated, hard and confusing, but that’s why we have to remember that we have the God of the universe in charge of our story. 2) You are beautiful. I want you to hear that with fresh ears. God made you unique. He made you, you. And He made you in His image. Since you bear His image, I am praying that as people see you, they would see His face shining upon you. Beauty really is fleeting, but a wo...

Be separate1

BE SEPARATE - PART ONE MEMORY VERSE : Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. 1 John 2:15. BIBLE VERSE : 11 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:1-8. INTRODUCTION: In (1 Jn. 2:15), we are told to “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The Apostle John went further in (1 John. 2:16). To explain to us the meaning of the word “world”. The “world” as used here means “the lust of the flesh” and the lust of the eye” and the “pride of life.” It also means the present world system that is controlled by Satan, together with its political systems, its systems of entertainments and so on. From all these things we are to be separated. These do no include the material blessings of this life which God gives liberally and richly for all to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17). FROM WHAT ARE WE TO BE SEPARATED? Basically, we are to separate from all forms of sin and worldly pleasures and be separate unto G...

BACKSLIDING:backsliding rarely happens suddenly. It is a gradual process .it always one backward step after .it may take weeks,month or even years before the process is complete!........check it up.

BACKSLIDING MEMORY VERSE : Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Hebrews 10:38. BIBLE PASSAGE: Hebrews 10:19-39 INTRODUCTION: Often we find someone who starts off very well in the Christian race and then cools off later. Many times someone who used to be very hot for the Lord may even leave the Lord completely. When such a thing happens, thoughtful minds always ask, “who will be the next to leave the Lord?” Invariably, the answer is, “not me.” We are all kept by the grace and strength of the Lord. He is able to keep us. However, we must constantly remember the warning of 1 Cor. 10:12. Because if we deliberately refuse His grace and assistance, we will fall. WHAT IS BACKSLIDING? Backsliding simply means turning away from God. (1 King 11:9). It is growing cold and leaving the first love (Rev. 2:4). It is turning from the joy and simplicity of the Gospel to salvation by law (Gal. 5:4). In other words, backsliding is growi...

PLACE OF TORMENT(hell): Hell was originally prepared for the devil and his wicked angels (Matt. 25:41). Hell was never intended for man but if men insist on rejecting heaven through the Saviour, Jesus Christ, then they must accompany Satan forever. The original size of hell is not known but because of man’s insistence on going there, God has had to enlarge hell (Isa. 5:14).

HELL MEMORY VERSE : The wicked shall be turned to hell, and all the nations that forget God. Ps. 9:17. BIBLE PASSAGE: Luke 16:19-31 INTRODUCATION : Is there an everlasting hell? The Bible declares in very certain terms that there is. There are 162 texts in the New Testament alone which speak of the doom that awaits the unrepentant sinner and 70 of these were uttered by the Lord Himself. Hell is a reality, an awful fact to be realized. It seems that the angels that sinned with Satan are even now in hell waiting for judgement (11 Pet. 2:4). The Bible made it abundantly clear that the wicked who finally reject Christ will be turned into hell (Ps. 9:17). WHAT IS HELL? Hell is a place of torment and punishment (Lk. 16:23). Hell is banishment from the presence of God (11 Thess. 1:9). Some people ask, “Where is hell” The Bible says it is “down” (Isa. 14:9). The justice of God demands degrees of punishment; therefore some parts of hell are hotter than others (Deut. 32:22). Perhaps those ...


CONFESSING CHRIST MEMORY VERSE : Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:32 . BIBLE PASSAGE: Rom. 10:8-18. INTRODUCATION : There are two stages in the confession of Christ, one before salvation and leading to it (Rom. 10:9) and the other after salvation (Matt. 10:32-33). One may ask the question is it possible to be a secret believer? And the answer is yes, for a short time.” In John 19:38, Joseph of Arimathaea was a secret believer, but later he openly confessed Christ by asking for the body of Jesus. Similarly, no one who had been truly born-again can remain for long without letting people know that Christ has taken over his life. WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO CONFESS CHRIST? There are six main reasons why a believer must confess Christ. These are: (a) There are two parts to salvation: believing in the heart and confessing twine the mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. (b) Confession of Christ brings real ...

EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN AGAIN...We are all born sinners. There is terrible wickedness deep within us (Jere. 17:9). We may try to suppress it through home-training or education but anytime someone really offends us, the animal in us will rear its terrible head. (Jere. 13:23).

MEMORY VERSE : Except a man be born-again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3. BIBLE PASSAGE: John 3:1-1 INTRODUCTION: What do we mean when we say someone has been born again? What is new birth? New birth is the creation of a new life in man by the Holy Spirit. All men were born into the family of Satan because every man born of woman is born unclean. (Job. 25:4). Therefore in order to become a member of the family of God, a new birth becomes necessary. The person who is born again has a second birthday and begins a new life. WHY IS A NEW BIRTH NECESSARY? We are all born sinners. There is terrible wickedness deep within us (Jere. 17:9). We may try to suppress it through home-training or education but anytime someone really offends us, the animal in us will rear its terrible head. (Jere. 13:23). It is impossible for us to be truly good deep within us without a rebirth. Now God says we must be holy in order to see Him. (Heb.12:14). But holiness is foreign to anyone who is not ...