Showing posts from July, 2017
Total victory is part of finishedworks of christ on the cross,when He said it is finished,it means ...... All is done . Prerequisite for victoy
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1 JOHN 5:1, 4 NIV – EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST IS BORN OF GOD, AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES THE FATHER LOVES HIS CHILD AS WELL. [4] FOR EVERYONE BORN OF GOD OVERCOMES THE WORLD. MESSAGE: This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Total Victory has been declared in this year 2017, it’s a prophetic declaration emphasizing what is already done. Total victory is part of the finished works of Christ on the cross. When he said ‘it is finished’ it means everything that needs to be done is finished which includes your victory over sin and all the consequences of sin. Poverty, sickness, diseases, calamities, plagues, spiritual and physical death, barrenness and any other thing that you can think of that does not conform to the good plans of God for your life. The Bible says for this cause the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy all the works of the devil. So the prophetic declaration concerning your total victory this year does not mean...
The Fear of the Lord:The fear of the Lord is the deep feeling you must have in order to be able to obey God .it is a reverential trust of God coupled with a hatred of can not serve Him if His fear is not in you...check it up...
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THE FEAR OF THE LORD MEMORY VERSE : The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Prov. 1:7 BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalm 111 INTRODUCATION : There are two types of fear, a wrong kind and a right kind. The Bible is full of passages that tell us to “fear not” e.g. in (Gen.15:1, LK. 2:10, Rev.1:17 and John 6:20). But this lesson is about the right kind of fear, the fear of God which the Bible recommends that we ought to have. This fear of the Lord of clean, wholesome and brings wisdom (Job 28:28 and Ps.19:9). It is a good thing to fear the Lord. WHAT DOES THE “FEAR OF THE LORD” MEAN? The fear of the Lord is that deep feeling you must have in order to be able to obey God. It is a reverential trust of God coupled with a hatred of evil. You cannot serve God or keep His commandments if His fear is not in you (Dan. 6:13, Ecc. 12:13, Prov. 8:13). The fear of the Lord is a treasure to him that has it (Prov. 15:16). It is a fountain of life (Prov. 14:27) and it is godly i.e. It is God-sanction...
Temptation: Training ground
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TEMPTATION MEMORY VERSE : For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted. Hebrews 2:18. BIBLE PASSAGE: James 1:12-27. INTRODUCATION : Temptation is one of the most familiar experiences of the true child of God and no one can totally escape from temptation. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted. That is why the Lord taught us to include in our daily prayer the petition: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” To be tempted is not sin; to yield to temptation is sin. Just as we cannot stop birds from flying over our heads but we can stop them from nesting in our hair, so also can we not stop evil thoughts from passing through our minds but we need not accept them nor allow them to take a stronghold. WHAT ARE THE SOURCES OF TEMPTATIONS? God never tempts any man (James 1:13) although He may give permission to the devil to do so when He is certain that the end result will be to His own glory. In which case he sets the...
Sins against the Holy spirit (God's personality)
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SINS AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT MEMORY VERSE : Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. Matt. 12:31. BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 12:22-37 INTRODUCATION: The Holy Spirit is a person that can be sinned against. Let us beware lest we sin against Him either consciously or unconsciously because the HolySpirit is Fire (Heb. 12:29). And anyone who toys with fire is sure to get burnt. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE BLASPHEMED AGAINST Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is one sin for which there is no forgiveness (Matt. 12:31-32). It is called the unpardonable sin, the most lawful sin that can be committed on earth. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is ascribing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. Beware of belittling the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a very serious matter! THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE INSULTED Now it is the Holy Spirit that presents the atoning work of Christ to the sinner...
After Salvation what next?
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SANCTIFICATION MEMORY VERSE : Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. Hebrews 13:12. BIBLE PASSAGE: John. 17:13-23, 1 Thessalonians. 4:1-7. INTRODUCTION: The basic meaning of sanctification is separation: Separation from evil (11 Chro. 29:5, 15-18) and separation into God 9Lev. 27:16). The subject of holiness and sanctification is so important that it is mentioned 1,066 times in the Bible. It is the express will of God that every believer should be sanctified (1Thess. 4:3). Until we have been sanctified we are of very little use to God. We cannot really become a “Vessel unto honour” until we have been sanctified. (11 Tim. 2:21). WHY MUST A BELIEVER BE SANCTIFIED? A true believer is a follower of Christ. He wants to be like Christ in all ways and in all things. Now, Jesus Christ was sanctified. By whom? By His Father, (John 10:36) and by Himself (John 17:19). Now if Jesus needed to be sanctified, then how much more do...
The life of Christ is a conformity and perfect illustration of the will of God... The Lord's will
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THE LIFE OF CHRIST IS A CONFORMITY AND PERFECT ILLUSTRATION OF THE WILL OF GOD... THE LORD'S WILL MEMORY VERSE : Commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. Ps. 37:5. BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalm 37:23-37 INTRODUCATION : The Christian is one who has renounced his own will and submits to the will of God for his life in all that he does. The life of Jesus Christ on earth is a perfect illustration of absolute conformity to the will of God (Heb. 10:7). As Jesus was assigned a specific task to perform on earth, so each Christian is similarly assigned a special task. The problem that faces every-Christian then is how to ascertain the will of God for his life. It is our prayer that this lesson will throw some light on this very crucial task of knowing the Lord’s will. IS THERE A PLAN FOR MY LIFE Yes, there is a plan for your life. There is a divine plan for each one of God’s people. This plan takes into consideration your personality, talents, needs, pote...
When someone who has been doing something evil feels sorry for it, changes his mind about it and decides not only to stop doing it but actually to start doing the exact opposite of the evil he has been doing before, then he is said to have repented.. ....Repentance
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REPENTANCE MEMORY VERSE : For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 11Corinthians 7:10. BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew. 3:1-12 INTRODUCTION: What do we mean by repentance? How do we know someone who has repented? When someone who has been doing something evil feels sorry for it, changes his mind about it and decides not only to stop doing it but actually to start doing the exact opposite of the evil he has been doing before, then he is said to have repented. Repentance then is a change of mind that leads to a change in conduct. For example in Matt. 21:28-32, the boy at first refused to work in the vineyard but later repented, changed his mind and then went and actually worked in the vineyard. WHY IS REPENTANCE NECESSARY? There are several reasons why repentance is so necessary in the life of any man. Infact repentance is given so much prominence that the first sermon preached by our Lord Jesus Christ after his baptism and testing in the wilderness was on repentance. (Matt. 4:17). ...
It is generally believed that the rewards to be given at the Judgement Seat of Christ will consist of crows and other glorious things. 11 Cor. 4:17 speaks of the momentary light, affliction which is descriptive of this world of sorrow, pain, tears and problems........ Reward
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REWARDS MEMORY VERSE : For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory? 11 Cor. 4:17. BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 9:16-27. INTRODUCATION : It is generally believed that the rewards to be given at the Judgement Seat of Christ will consist of crows and other glorious things. 11 Cor. 4:17 speaks of the momentary light, affliction which is descriptive of this world of sorrow, pain, tears and problems. However, the moment that we cross to the other side, this moment of affliction will be exchanged for an “Exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” The believer falls asleep in Christ (Jn. 11:11), suddenly awakes in the Lord’s presence and the glory begins (Ph. 1:23). WHAT GLORIES ARE BELIEVERS TO EXPECT? Every born-again child of God, living a holy life and walking in the Spirit of God may expect: (a) To be with Christ on the last day (Jn. 14:3). Now everyone is happy to be in the presence of a great person but nothing ...
The spirit filled
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THE SPIRIT FILLED MEMORY VERSE : But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven. Acts 7:55. BIBLE PASSAGE: Ephesians 3:14-21; 14-21. INTRODUCATION : The crowning act of faith for a believer is for him to surrender his life to the Spirit. This is not necessary for salvation, but it is necessary to be Spirit-filled. The infilling of the Spirit is received only when the believer consciously recognizes the Holy Spirit as being in full control of his life, completely governing every detail of his life. Now being filled with the Holy Spirit is a must for every believer. (Eph. 5:18). Is a very strong New Testament Command. WHO NEEDS TO BE SPIRIT-FILLED? Every believer in Jesus Christ needs the filling of the Holy Spirit. The filling is for Apostles, preachers, fathers, mothers, bachelors, spinsters, old people and young. We need the filling for our own benefits in order to be the best possible Christians. Without it we cannot reach the goal set for us by God. The...
Heaven is a building, a building of God and not man-made (11 Cor.5:1). It has been called the Kingdom of God and of Christ (Eph. 5:5). Surely, it is the Father’s House, (Jn. 14:2), It is a place of rest (Heb. 4:9)......Heaven
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HEAVEN Do not over look this,it really for you...stay and be blessed MEMORY VERSE : For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, and house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 11 Cor. 5:1. BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelation 21:1-18. INTRODUCATION : Heaven was created by God in the beginning, (Gen. 1:1). When or how long ago is a mystery hidden from man? Heaven is eternal (11 Cor. 5:1) and it is a prepared place for a prepared people (Jn. 14:2). Are you one of them? WHAT IS HEAVEN? Heaven is the home of the Lord God (Matt.6:9). The Bible speaks of three heavens (11 Cor. 12:2). The first heaven is the area where birds fly. The second heaven is where the rockets go. The third heaven is the home or throne of the Lord God. Heaven is a building, a building of God and not man-made (11 Cor.5:1). It has been called the Kingdom of God and of Christ (Eph. 5:5). Surely, it is the Father’s House, (Jn. 14:2), It is a place of rest (Heb. 4...
Christians don't tell lies....some just sing them even in church.hmmmmmm
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CHRISTIANS DON’T TELL LIES…SOME JUST SING THEM IN CHURCH Normally, I try to start each article I write with a story relating to the topic. This time I want to begin by asking some questions. Assuming most people who read this post are Christians and attend worship and/or Bible study services at a local congregation, please answer the questions as they pertain to your situation. At your congregation, are there as many people who attend Bible study on Sunday morning as there are who attend worship services? At your congregation, are there as many people who attend Sunday evening services as there are who attend worship on Sunday morning? At your congregation, are there are many people who attend a mid-week Bible study as there are who attend Sunday morning worship service? At your congregation, if there is a Gospel meeting or special series of lessons presented throughout the week, do as many people attend as show up for Sunday morning worship? Are there members of your congregatio...
Uriah,the Hero
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The Hero Uriah I would wager most people, even many who aren’t Christians, know the story of David and Bathsheba, and with good reason. It’s a powerful tale of a powerful man God had favored and blessed beyond imagination betraying his Lord. It shows that even the best of us can slip up, and that if we return to God repentant, contrite, and broken-hearted, God can restore us no matter how great the sin ( Psalm 51). And yet, because that typically becomes the focus of the study, we often forget a second lesson contained within the scripture. As humans tend to do occasionally, we focus on the negative part of the story and don’t talk about the good. While almost everyone knows about David and Bathsheba, how many of us know the hero of their story: Uriah? Uriah the Hittite was Bathsheba’s husband when she had her affair with King David. He was away fighting in the Lord’s army at the time. It was only after David discovered she was carrying his child that he sent for Uriah, implying th...
The fear of the lord
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MEMORY VERSE : The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Prov. 1:7 BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalm 111 INTRODUCATION : There are two types of fear, a wrong kind and a right kind. The Bible is full of passages that tell us to “fear not” e.g. in (Gen.15:1, LK. 2:10, Rev.1:17 and John 6:20). But this lesson is about the right kind of fear, the fear of God which the Bible recommends that we ought to have. This fear of the Lord of clean, wholesome and brings wisdom (Job 28:28 and Ps.19:9). It is a good thing to fear the Lord. WHAT DOES THE “FEAR OF THE LORD” MEAN? The fear of the Lord is that deep feeling you must have in order to be able to obey God. It is a reverential trust of God coupled with a hatred of evil. You cannot serve God or keep His commandments if His fear is not in you (Dan. 6:13, Ecc. 12:13, Prov. 8:13). The fear of the Lord is a treasure to him that has it (Prov. 15:16). It is a fountain of life (Prov. 14:27) and it is godly i.e. It is God-sanctioned (Heb.12:28). WHY M...